‘Is a greater focus on Long Term Value the answer to the perceived trade-off between financial return and a firm’s ESG impact?’.

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The tide has turned over the past 30 years

It is not just in the prioritisation of ESG that we have seen change. Financial results have changed dramatically as well. Funds aligned with ESG goals have consistently outperformed competitors. Many members of the group recall when the terms environmental impact and sustainability were considered the enemy of established performance metrics. However, ESG is now a must-have in any investment or business to ensure long-term success and financial sustainability, which is relevant now more than ever.


“The time frame for focus on ESG has collapsed. The need is in the here and now.”

Ian Coleman - Chairman, Vixcroft

ESG impact white paper image

A Financial Focus white paper following a round table discussion attended by representatives from industry, accounting firms, accounting bodies and financial journals, and is primarily focussed on the UK market.